Gourmet ice cream introduced two new flavors in 1 liter pack. These are strawberry, mango, Vinella, Praline, Kulfa & Pista but these are typical ice cream flavor which we always use to have, so what’s new in it. Well Gourmet ice cream has put some fruit chunks in it to give a better taste and fruit experience in ice cream. I haven’t tried it yet so can’t comment about it’s taste or how much Gourmet become successful in this. That seems to be a nice try and innovative step in field of some sweet stuff.
Gourmet Premium Ice Cream
Gourmet Premium Ice Cream
Mazzoli's premium Gourmet Ice Cream is made from scratch on the premises into an array of rich mouthwatering flavors. Every spoonful is full of all-natural ingredients and intense flavor. Try it - you'll agree.
Gourmet Ice Cream Strawberry